Saturday 6 June 2015


You know what the worst part of being born over a hundred years ago is? 
I miss all the friends I used to hang out with. 
Before the war started, I used to always visit my friend Kuzon. 
The two of us, we'd get in and out of so much trouble together. 
He was one of the best friends I ever had, and he was from the Fire Nation just like you. 
If we knew each other back then, do you think we could have been friends too?

One Saturday, G called me up, we were supposed to go out somewhere.
I was feeling sad, and told him, I wasn't well.
Somehow, he knew something was wrong.

G got one of my houseshare mates to let him into the building and came knocking on my door.
I was crying,... and had my knife out.
I actually wasn't dressed.
And told him so, I remember his response.
"Like I care"

I let him in with just a t-shirt on, and he just took one look around the room, and stated
"I'll be waiting downstairs"

As I said, he understood the addiction.
But by that point, I knew there was no point continuing.

I got dressed and we ditched whatever the plan had been.

We ended up taking a river cruise down to Greenwich.

When you lose someone very close to you.
Some days,.. the grief can be very overwhelming and nothing eases the hurt.

For all the bright moments that G brought to my life in that dark time, it is poor karma.
If I do not speak, of his memory.. and of his legacy.

Cause based on this article.

G saved my life.

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