Friday 27 February 2015

Glass Bar

I am very grateful I was in London for my whole coming out experience.

There was a lot of support and enough of an established culture to cement my gay identity.

I am looking forward to returning to my old haunts.

And it is also important that there is less stigmatization, as it was during this time that I had a very close friendship with a gay man who was HIV positive.

G used to let me cut. Yes, because despite all the support at the time, I used to still cut (self-harm).
It was a bit of an addiction in some ways, and I still have the scars, though they are faint.

I haven't cut or seriously considered suicide in over a decade, I have learnt there are options. And how to create those options for myself.

One good example of this is that I am out in school (university), because it is all being handled via distance. So it is one less aspect of my life I have to worry about, and where the Trinidad government has no jurisdiction in the matter. It is a bona fide well known qualification.

Something to think about when you are considering learning institutions.

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