Sunday 26 July 2015

Abusive relationships

I did have one very bad relationship. And when you are young and relatively inexperienced.. in your search and exploration for what you think is a 'normal' lesbian relationship can lead you to accept behaviours that are beyond your personal boundaries.

And honestly,.. when I was in it,.. I couldn't see it.

Other people used to pass me in parties and ask me,. "why do you let her do you that?"

If this is happening to you,.. stop making excuses and start to think of her behaviour from their perspective if you can.

I had many warning signs before the first shove.

The possessiveness
Not respecting my time and opinions
Disregarding my wishes as regards sexual contact

And of all places,.. I had a fight in the kitchen.
( The kitchen is a poor choice of room for a confrontation)

That was the first time,.. I got my head hit as a consequence of a shove,.. I hit the counter.

She successfully managed to isolate me from my friends. So that we were surrounded by her friends.

And when one of these friends, informed me that I was moving for the summer to a different city.
That is when I realised I was in a very dangerous place.

Yes, I had applied for the summer internship to be stationed in the City.
Yes, we had gone on the day trips to scope out the city.

But in that City, I had nobody except her.
In London, despite my infrequent contact, there are members of the expat community who I knew who,.. I could show up at their doorstep without explanation and they would take me in without question.

Somehow,.. that woke me up. I didn't even have the courage to confront her. I waited across the street until she left and went to collect my stuff and threw the key in the mail slot.

She did ask after me,.. but I went to stay by my sister.


For those who did not have that support system, they are very vulnerable.
Particularly in Trinidad where there are very few accepting social service agencies.

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