Sunday 12 April 2015

Call the Midwife - Gay parents

I hate using the mirror as the link but it's the best link I can find

Watched this tonight, it shows on PBS.

I found this very disturbing, especially since we still have this law on the books.

And this recent article.,209501.html

NEWSFLASH folks.... Homosexuality is not on the ICD-10

Transexualism is though,.... (which means that they might have status as a disability, but that's a different side conversation)

There should be no advocating for treatment for anyone for same sex attraction.

I good like I am,.... have thus existed for the last twenty years, not interested in going back to my tortured adolescent state.

And wouldn't wish that level of identity crisis before you even have one, on my worst enemy.

SSAIGD is an adolescent,.. internal conflict .. trial by fire.

And I know several MSM who are good fathers,... they like the man in the story, have wives.. who know,... I think. They tend to be over 45 and don't identify as Gay. Because that means they came of age in the 80's during the HIV epidemic,... then GRID etc etc.

But they take their responsibilities seriously,.. with the 'thing on the side' with safe sex.

And have actually asked me not to judge them too harshly,... as people make decision based on the society at the time they come of age.

Myself included,... for a long time, I thought I could never have a family, or be a mother.
I could have a partner and the wedding on the beach. But a child, in this society... with no legal rights.. NO.

I still doubt I would be willing to actually make a family,... I don't have an issue if my gf has a child.
But I'm not really maternal in that sense... Go by mommy if you crying.
I find older children easier.

I think it is a shame if people still think homosexuality and pedophilia are in any way related,... because THEY ARE NOT.

Back to Call the Midwife which is set in 1958... say the character is 25. So he is 80 now, if he is still alive... What a world of change to have lived in.

To go from being illegal, to legal.. to being able to have a civil partnership, .. and adopt children.

Medication,... especially the type of hormone formulations that they were using in those days... is positively inhumane.

And in Turing's case, for an act between two consenting adults..

For someone who it is estimated saved 14 million lives, by shortening the war by two years.

.... and in this country,... if they get referred to a some organisations,.. that shall remain unnamed.
That is exactly the type of advice that young SSAIGD will get.

Rather than a free showing of Pariah,... I would love a Gala fundraiser of Imitation Game.
To ask the persons in this country who truly believe in human rights to show their support.

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