Saturday 11 April 2015

Therapy and Mental Health

The truth is many gay people have been through therapy... myself included.

So how do we end up there.

Mental health as “a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community”

1. Before you identify,... you actually do get all the negative messages as a child about homos.
And parents, do not really think twice about saying these things to under 12's.

This is something I do tell my friends and family with children to bear in mind.

Cumulative exposure to stressors over time causes alterations in stress responses that have physiological effects on the immune system, cardiovascular function, respiratory system, and other systems, including the brain, that affect physical functioning in ways that are damaging to health

This is how I can tell, if as I tend to put it, someone has been beaten once too often... it is apparent that they are maladaptive... That is as adults,.. when the stressor is gone.. they retain the traits of their childhood exposure... eg. darting eyes.

Very cool....

Note that... even with no extra stressors,... SSGD (same-sex, gender diverse) the suicide starts at 20% 1 in 5.

SSAIGD (same-sex attracted, intersex and gender diverse)

It is worth categorising the intensity of the verbal abuse... and I need to get a better term than describing it as borderline 'incite violence'.

But it does start at the verbal... and I can say,... if you cut the verbal.. it decreases the chance of the physical.

Although I have had to intervene in the physical as well.

Far easier  for teachers to cut the verbal,.. and you can defend it as a matter of discipline and equal intolerance for all slurs.

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