Sunday 26 April 2015

What being gay means

I am writing this for my family (if you gay and live in Trinidad, you don't need to read, you live this)

Gender-based violence (GBV) is violence that is directed at an individual based on his or her biological sex, gender identity or perceived adherence to socially defined norms of masculinity and femininity.

I don't want my family thinking, if something happens to me that I went into this naive.

I simply do not in general share with you for the same reasons, and I do not expect you to embrace gay people in general,.. just accept me and be quietly supportive,.. as you have always done.

First off, there is no such thing in Trinidad as a hate crime.

And much of what goes on is not reported, if it does get reported it is not reported as homophobia.

It is a reality you learn to live with.

I am immune to verbal assaults along the lines of corrective rape. And there have been cases of corrective rape in this country. In my experience, it is mostly drunken obscenities and I have lost count, it happens every so often, hence the immunity.

As I think of this, I am uncertain as to whether those who do not lime in mixed company that 'both' (I know there are more than two) sexes are aware that both are getting 'pat downs'.
To the foreign... groped for balls, as their outward appearance is ambiguous.

And finally,.. yes there have been beatings,.. that end in disability and death.

I didn't write DNR for kicks.

I wrote DNR because they are my wishes. And if I go missing, assume it is over.
Cause I know enough anatomy, and would rather go out fighting.

If you cut the femoral artery above a tie off position, ie too high, you bleed out in five minutes.
And depending on what the threats are, if I judge credible,... I think this a kinder death.

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