Saturday 21 March 2015

I hate this fucking country

This one is just a rant.

This is all the stuff that is just so wrong about how we handle HIV.

Now, my reference point for this is always my friend G.

I met G at an LGBT mixer in Uni, which we do not have.

And one evening I remember the conversation, what are we rostering for?

Oh, keeping G company on clinic days.

I spent hours,... nah days... with G at Clinic.

We had a whole stock of don't get HIV cause you'll die of boredom jokes..

But no seriously,... I remember the clinic. It was part of the regular hospital.

Not some separate 'stigma' building.

And nurses were not all up in your business,.. there was no judgement.

But blood work takes forever... everywhere!

And yes, you'd get assholes... you get assholes everywhere folks.

But the difference is, that you were also more likely to get other people shouting down the hecklers.

And vis a vis promiscuity and condom use.

Trinis are ignorant @@%^*#

You don't mix strains... even in a committed relationship until the strains have been sorted out... condoms are still required.

And who are you to judge anyways.

Long Steups.

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